Twitter でディベロッパー登録を行う


  • Twitter でディベロッパー登録を行う。


事前に携帯電話番号を登録し、SMS認証を済ませている事。 → [Apps] → [Create an app] → [Apply] →

使いたいツールを選ぶ、今回は [Exploring the API] → [Next] →

{住んでいる国を選択、呼び名を記入} → [Next] →

{下記の質問に、Yesの場合それぞれ英語100文字以上または200文字以上で説明} → [Next] →

[In English, please describe how you plan to use Twitter data and/or APIs. The more detailed the response, the easier it is to review and approve.]

[Please describe how you will analyze Twitter data including any analysis of Tweets or Twitter users.]

[Will your app use Tweet, Retweet, like, follow, or Direct Message functionality?]

[Do you plan to display Tweets or aggregate data about Twitter content outside of Twitter?]

[Will your product, service or analysis make Twitter content or derived information available to a government entity?]

確認画面、問題なければ [Looks good!] → [Accept] →
